Welcome to our (nearly) Empty Nest

Many parents absolutely dread the thought of their youngest graduating from high school and either heading off to college or moving out on their own. Instead of wallowing in depression how about focusing on the new adventures you can take? I had my first child at a very young age- which I wouldn’t change for the world- and my fourth in my early 30’s, which means that I’ve had kids in the house for the past 33 years. In addition to my four, Curtis, my boyfriend (man friend?) has two young adult children as well. This upcoming August, we will find ourselves with an Empty Nest (dun du dun!) when my youngest is moving out with friends and starting college. I’ve always been happy for my kids when they get out into the world on their own. Of course, every single one of them has come back for a bit, but that’s ok. We want to be the place that they know that they can land if they need to regroup. They haven’t stayed long, and the first five kids are in great places in their lives now, so we don’t worry about them so much that way anymore.

We truly have become middle-aged people. We love to garden, lure the birds to our yard, and now we can spend more time on our most favorite hobbies – traveling. We LOVE to travel, and we’ve had some amazing adventures over the past several years. But now, with all of our kids grown it’s time to step up the fun. This year, we have several trips planned, and we just can’t wait! I’ve thought about starting a blog for a long time, and this seems like a great time to jump in. Next week, I will post one of our most recent favorite adventures, and I plan on a new post each week, so be sure to bookmark me and check back. I’d love to take you on our adventures.

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